Soden's Grove Park
Enjoy plenty of shaded picnic areas. Walk over the George Marsh arched-bridge and watch the river below. The Emporia Zoo emphasizes…
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The value of freedom is beyond question. Our way of life stands on the courage and sacrifice of people who resolved to fight for it with every breath. Their sacrifices led to better working conditions in mines that still stand nationwide today. It mustered forces in our nation's historic fight for human rights and dignity. The free spirit blows through our hearts continually. We live it out on the open road. Gravel biking. Hunting the woods. Fishing unrestrained waters. We won't be held back. We're a place For The Free.
Enjoy plenty of shaded picnic areas. Walk over the George Marsh arched-bridge and watch the river below. The Emporia Zoo emphasizes…
A half-sized Vietnam Memorial Wall, reflecting pool, and thousands of engraved pavers. This location is found along the Frontier Military…
The National Teachers Hall of Fame is committed to drawing the public's attention to exceptional educators through a museum and an induction…
Named to the National Register of Historical Places in January 2018, Big Brutus put the oooohs and aaahs in the backyard of the Heartlands…
Home of the Emporia Arts Council, the Emporia Arts Center provides artistic events for the Emporia area. The Center's gallery features…
Featuring the newest and hottest slot machines, 16 gaming tables, a 123-room Hampton Inn and Suites®, restaurant, and an entertainment…
The Gordon Parks Museum highlights the life and work of Kansas-born photographer Gordon Parks. Exhibits, personal artifacts, and iconic…
The Kansas Celebrity Hall of Fame showcases the important contributions of Kansans throughout history. Showcasing local celebrities…
In May 1858, proslavery men gunned down 11 free-state men in a ravine that is now an important landmark. The shootings shocked the nation…
Visitor Center has temporarily moved! While work is being completed in the Post Hospital, the Visitor Center’s information desk has been…
Marais des Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1992 primarily for the preservation and restoration of bottomland hardwood…
Performing Arts Center bringing Family & Music Series' with the "Best Leg Room" in Kansas to their Main Stage. Also houses a Speaker Series…
At Mine Creek in 1864 a large body of Union cavalry swept down on the rear of Confederate General Sterling Price's supply train that was…
Take a step back in time to the elegant lifestyle of the early 1900s when you visit the Brown Mansion. Completed in 1907 by W. P. Brown, the…
A place for multiple generations to gather and share an interest. Our goal is to build a nonprofit, interactive museum/exploratorium with…
The Perkins building is the most recognizable building in Coffeyville. It was the home of Condon Bank, one of two banks that the infamous…
Welcome to Kansas' "Little Ozarks"! Located 5 miles east of Cherryvale, Kansas. Five beautiful park areas are offered by the Corps of…
Replica of Ingall's 1870 cabin at the original site. Discover the pioneer way of life of the Ingalls family at this reconstructed log cabin…
Where the Ozarks spill into Kansas, in the Great Depression the government gave jobs to hundreds of destitute men with the Civilian…
Southeast Kansas’ Cross Timbers region is a narrow, rugged, 50-mile finger of steeply timbered hillsides that rise to towering…
A century ago Kansans took the train from town to town, watching the countryside lazily pass as they road the rails.
Life’s easy at Fall River State Park, where crowds are few but recreational possibilities are many.
Elk City State Park sits in a gorgeous valley with natural greatness on both sides.
Kansas' Historic Route 66 Byway offers opportunities for visitors to enjoy a variety of experiences to "get their own kicks" while driving the original Kansas portion of Route 66, found in the "Ozark Plateau" or Southeast corner of the state.
Travel through time, visiting multiple forts along the Frontier Military Historic Byway. Originally built to move soldiers and supplies, the Military Trail has watched American history unfold.
This is Southeast Kansas, the destination for the free. Those who wish to travel here should know this region has no limits to…
Southeast Kansas is home to some great places to eat with some of the best food in the state. This region of Kansas is known for…
In Southeast Kansas, you can live freely. This is where Beautiful rock formations create beautiful outdoor experiences for the…
Southeast Kansas - "For The Free" In Southeast Kansas, you can live freely. This is where Beautiful rock formations create beautiful outdoor experiences for the Table Mound Hiking Trail at Elk City State Park. Thirteen miles of the Route 66 Byway wraps around the Ozark Plateau. It's also where…
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