Arts & Entertainment

Mid-Century Woodworking

Zack Schaffer exudes midwestern modesty. He ranches by day, running several hundred head of cattle, and refers to his furniture shop as a…

Arts & Entertainment

Working from a Past Heading to a Future

Photography by Jason Dailey (Mona Cliff) and Aaron Patton (Ric Dunwoody) Ric Dunwoody and Mona Cliff talk contemporary Native art and the…

Beauty in Paper, Blooms and Glass

From her home studio in Wichita, Tomiyo Tajiri creates stunning kimonos, origami art and accessories. Tajiri began studying her craft while…


  • 6 minutes

Photography by Nick Krug A small museum on the campus of Kansas State University houses a rare and unusual collection of historic clothing and textiles The museum is here, but few know where to find…

  • 5 minutes

Editor's Note: This article was originally published in the winter of 1992 by Don Lambert. It's been lightly edited. A look back to 1992, when the Kansas Legislature took action to recognize one…

History & Heritage

A Paper Moon Pilgrimage

  • 6 minutes

Photography by Jessi Jacobs Celebrate 50 years of this classic Hollywood film by following the heroes’ route across Kansas or stopping by any of the numerous locations and events commemorating the…

Arts & Entertainment

Test Your Lumberjack skills with Axe-Throwing

  • 5 minutes

Photography by David Mayes It’s a family outing, date-night fun, stress-reliever and more … even if you don’t always throw like a lumberjack. Axe-throwing is scoring big points across Kansas as a…

Reasons to Love Kansas

‘Part of the Legacy that Shapes Who We are’

  • 11 minutes

Photography by Carter Gaskins Oscar-winning filmmaker Kevin Willmott talks about his life in Kansas, his approach to cinema and his commitment to fighting racism In February 2019, Kevin Willmott…