About Kansas 250

Commission Roster:

Commission Representative Title/Position Organization Email
Stacey Knoell Executive Director Kansas African American Affairs Commission Stacey.Knoell@ks.gov
Irma Faudoa Executive Director Kansas Hispanic & Lationo American Affairs Commission Irma.Faudoa@ks.gov
Jancita Warrington Executive Director Kansas Office of Native American Affairs jancita.Warrington@KS.gov
Susan Estes Member House of Representatives   Susan.Estes@house.ks.gov; 
Bill Rhiley Member House of Representatives   Bill.Rhiley@house.ks.gov
Pam Curtis Member House of Representatives   pcurtiskck@gmail.com
Brenda Dietrich Senator Kansas Senate Brenda.Dietrich@senate.ks.gov
Elaine Bowers Senator Kansas Senate Elaine.Bowers@senate.ks.gov
Marci Francisco Senator Kansas Senate Marci.Francisco@senate.ks.gov
Patti Unruh State Regent - Designee Kansas DAR unruhpatti55@gmail.com
Bryan Wampler  President - Designee Sons of the American Revolution bwampler@ksssar.org
Jeremy Ehart Commander American Legion departmentcommander@kansaslegion.org
Gerald Marvin Commander VFW Kansas ksvfwhq@kvfw.kscoxmail.com
Patrick Zollner Executive Director Kansas State Historical Society Patrick.Zollner@ks.gov
Linda Jeffrey Chairperson Kansas Historical Foundation Board lpj3@cox.net
Jay Price Professor WSU Dept of History jay.m.price@gmail.com
Casey Meier Educator Education cmeier@usd261.com
Holly Lofton Chair - Board Member Kansas State Fair Board cvbdir@lindsborgcity.org; 
Marci Penner Co-Director Kansas Sampler Foundation marci@kansassampler.org
Sarah Green Co-Director Kansas Sampler Foundation sarah.green@kansassampler.org
Rachel Willis Director of Legislative Affairs Department of Commerce Rachel.Willis@ks.gov
Rosa Cavazos Special Projects Coordinator Kansas Tourism Rosa.Cavazos@ks.gov