2021 Kansas Visitor Profile Study

This visitor report was prepared for the Mammoth Creative Co. on behalf of Kansas Tourism by MMGY Travel Intelligence. For the purpose of this study, the current reporting time frame includes the calendar year 2021 with a comparison to prior time periods. The report provides intelligence on Kansas travel trends with a comparison to the average US destination and the average US Business and Leisure destination. Information is also presented on Kansas Leisure and Business travelers along with their competitors of Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma.

Information is also presented for several travel segments. These include: Total –travelers who visit Kansas for any purpose Business –travelers who visit Kansas for any business purpose Leisure –travelers who visit Kansas for any leisure purpose Competitive Set –Travelers to Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and total combined.

The travel trend information presented in this report was obtained from surveys of 42,790 U.S. households from January 2021 through December 2021. The 2021 Visitor Profile is based on a sample of 455 households for all travel to Kansas. The sample has been balanced by statistical weighting to ensure the data is representative of all travelers in America. The Kansas Business travelers have a very small sample size, so please use caution when making decisions based on the data

Check out our 2021 Visitor Profile Study. The report provides intelligence on Kansas travel trends with a comparison to the average US destination and the average US Business and Leisure destination.