It was a love of bees and a desire to learn more about them and their honey that sent Esra Barkman from Hillsboro to Oregon in the 1920s. After returning to Kansas, Barkman began selling honey at the beginning of World War II, when sugar was being rationed.
Today, with operations in several states, Barkman Honey still has a strong presence in the Hillsboro and Wichita areas. Barkman Honey is shipped to Hillsboro from beekeepers all over the world. Once in Kansas, it is tested for quality and safety, then packaged and shipped.
(Credit: Barkman Honey's Facebook Page)
“The majority of our processing and packing operations and our corporate offices remain in Kansas,” says Rebecca Ignowski, marketing coordinator.
Busy Bee and Naked Wild Honey are the company’s flagship brands, but the company’s mission goes beyond honey production. Barkman also works to safeguard and sustain the honeybee population through bee health initiatives, habitat preservation, beekeeper recruitment and consumer education.
One might guess that would seem pretty sweet to Esra.
(Credit: Barkman Honey's Facebook Page)