Holton Town Square
- Jackson County Development Corp.
- St. Dominic's Hall
- Holton Town Square
- Hotel Josephine
- Parsonage Guesthouse Bed & Breakfast Inn
- Koger Variety Store
- Jackson County Courthouse
- Sarah's Enchanted Cottage
- Quilting on the Square
- Pickett Fence Antique Mall
- Charlie's

Elk Creek Observatory
- Holton High School
- Elk Creek Observatory
- Department of Education's Technology Initiative Program
- University of Kansas
- Gamma Ray Large Area Space Telescope Project

The Parsonage Guesthouse Bed & Breakfast Inn (Holton)

Oh, Christmas Tree!
- Strawberry Hill Christmas Tree Farm (Lawrence)
- Christmas Trees Magazine
- Cedar Crest, Kansas Governor's Residence
- Kansas Christmas Tree Growers Association
- National Christmas Tree Association
- Prairie Elf Christmas Tree Farm (Lawrence)
- Prairie Pines Christmas Tree Farm (Maize)
- Chamber Music at the Barn (Maize)
- Pumpkin Days (Maize)
- Bowen's Christmas Tree Farm (Pittsburg)
- Delp Christmas Tree Farm (St. John)

Independent Reading

- The Raven Bookstore (Lawrence)
- Dusty Bookshelf (Manhattan)
- Dusty Bookshelf (Lawrence)

Holiday Gift Roundup
Cloud County Tea Company (Clyde)
- Ancient Roots Herbal Apothecary (Clyde)

Kansas Takes the Cheese
- Wiebe Dairy Farm (Durham)
- Eleanor's Farmhouse Cheese (Durham)
- Alma Creamery (Alma)
- U.S. Championship Cheese Contest

Ingwerson Farms (Topeka)

Kansas Is All Fun and Games
- Follow the Yellow Brick Road Trivia Game (Oswego)

Kansas Gallery
- Full moon (Riley County)
- Prickly pear cactus (Clark County)
- Canada goose (Coffey County)
- Red-bellied woodpecker (Geary County)
- Goose tracks at Clinton Lake (Douglas County)
- Barn in Johnson County (Johnson County)
- King's Creek, Konza Prairie Research Natural Area
(Riley County)

Chateau Avalon: Perfect for Romantic Getaways
- Chateau Avalon (Kansas City)
- Kanasas Speedway (Kansas City)
- Cabela's (Kansas City)

When Kansas was King of the Western
- Kansas Museum of History
- "Blazing Guns & Rugged Heroes: Kansas in the

It's Bald Eagle Season in Kansas
- Tuttle Creek Lake (Manhattan)
- Milford Lake (Milford)
- Clinton Lake (Lawrence)
- Perry Lake (Perry)

Little Apple Big on New Year's Eve
- The Little Apple New Year's Eve Ball Drop (Manhattan)
- Aggieville (Manhattan)
- Varney's Book Store (Manhattan)
- Eye Doctors (Manhattan)
- John Murdock Chevrolet-Cadillac-Mitsubishi (Manhattan)

Explore Kansas: Meet Famous Kansans Around the State
- Walter P. Chrysler Boyhood Home (Ellis)
- John Steuart Curry Home (Oskaloosa)
- Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum (Atchison)
- Major General Frederick Funston Boyhood Home (Iola)
- Eisenhower Boyhood Home and Museum (Abilene)
- William Allen White House (Emporia)
- Carry Nation Home (Medicine Lodge)
- Susanna Salter (Argonia)
- A.B. Seelye Mansion (Abilene)
- Charles Koester House (Marysville)
- Charles Curtis House (Topeka)

CityEscapes: Avoid Cabin Fever in Wichita
- Botanica, The Wichita Gardens
- Illuminations: A Holiday Festival of Lights
- Lights on St. Paul, event
- Old Cowtown Museum
- An Old-Fashioned Christmas
- Wichita Symphony Orchestra
- Family Holiday Concert
- Century II Convention Center
- Ulrich Museum of Art at Wichita State University
- Lake Afton Observatory at Wichita State University
- Worlds of Science and Imagination
- The Universe of the 1920s
- 49th Annual Darryl Starbird Exotic Car Show
and Action Arena
- 17th Annual Bluegrass Festival
- Wichita Marriott Hotel

Prairie Potpourri
- The Territorial Reader, edited by Virgil W. Dean
- General James G. Blunt: Tarnished Glory,
by Robert Collins
- The Brute, by Mike Klaassen
- Oceans of Kansas: A Natural History of the Western
Interior Sea, by Michael J. Everhart
- Santa Fe Locomotive 132, by Richard E. Scholz
- Zerf:Six-String Justice: Songs of the Wild
Kansas Frontier, album by David Zerfas (Zerf)
- On Distant Prairie Swells, album by David Zerfas (Zerf)
- Southeastern Kansas Coal Mining Towns,
by Nanette Krumsick and Betty DeVoss
- Comanche Crossing, by Harold G. Ross
- Uncharted Journey, by Harold G. Ross
- The Emerald Prairie, by Harold G. Ross
- Hoizons West, by Harold G. Ross
- Brannick, by Harold G. Ross
- Best of the Midwest: Rediscovering America's Heartland,
by Dan Kaercher
- Places and People, by Don Mock

Favorite Recipes
- Free State Brewing Company Cheddar Ale Soup
Free State Brewing Company in Lawrence

Vacation Photo
- Winter Wonderland Scene (Beverly)

Volume 61, Issue 4
Nancy Nowick Kauk, editor
On the cover: Holton Town Square by Earl Richardson