The blues are downright heavenly as Blue Heaven Studios prepares for its Blues Masters at the crossroads concerts featuring legendary musicians in October.
By Jeri Clousten, photos by David E. Clousten
Natural Beauty
The opportunity for kids to get in touch with their natural surroundings is a true interactive experience at Kansas nature centers.
By Rex Buchanan
The Ghosts of the Post
The legends live on in the plentiful lore at the Trading Post Museum and Mariais des Cygnes Massacre State Historic Site.
By Zach Flake, photos by Tim Walla
Round Up for a Chuckwagon Supper
Circle the wagons and listen for the dinner bell. It's time to eat cowboy style and enjoy the entertainment at Prairie Rose in Butler County.
By Jeanette Steinert, photos by Roy Steinert
From Ike to Klinger, the Eisenhower Museum has it All
With five galleries the Eisenhower Museum offers plenty to first-time visitors and veterans alike.
By Cecilia Harris
Walk Right In
Kansas provides thousands of acres of farmland for sportsmen through its Walk-in Hunting Access program.
By Jim Ramberg, photos by Jon Blumb
Renovation With Family Spirit
The renovation of Cedar Crest, the Kansas Gorvernor's residence, was a labor of love for the First Family of Kansas and friends of Cedar Crest.
By Sally M. Snell, photos by Michael C. Snell